Access DS 7 user manual online.
You can also access it from the Scan MyDS and MyDS App.
With this video, see how DS INFOTAINMENT work. Learn how to:
- Tailor the INFOTAINEMENT system
- Personalise your touchscreen's content and driver information
- Add or delete pages on your touchscreen
In this video, see how DS NIGHT VISION works. With its infrared camera, this system spots spedestrains and animals on the road and verges in real time. Learn how:
- The screen shows you the system is ready
- To display night vision
- To turn the NIGHT VISION option on or off
In this video, see how DS IRIS SYTEM works. Our innovatirve and intuitive information ecosystem, integrating connected navigation and a personal assistant. Learn how to:
- Access the driver's screen functions
- Enable your personal display
- Access all your DS 7's functions
- View the notification centre and your most frequently used functions
Discover presentation videos of the technologies available on DS 7
There for your safety, the intelligent DS PIXEL LED VISION 3.0 headlights adapt to your surroundings by adjusting the lighting according to outside conditions (town, country, weather etc…) and directing light towards bends to improve visibility in corners.
With its PIXEL function you can stay on main beam without dazzling the vehicle you’re behind or those approaching you.
DS 7 benefits from new latest generation digital cameras front and rear enabling the best possible rendering of images on its large 12” touch screen.
360 Vision is video assistance for all low-speed manoeuvres. It displays a “bird’s eye” view of the car and its surroundings: the view is updated according to how the car moves.
Plug-in hybrid technology
Discover our dedicated video tutorials for our plug-in hybrid models
Charging solutions from our partner Leasys
Discover our video tutorials to use the services of our partner Leasys.
DS Automobiles x Leasys: sign up
Découvrez les tutoriels pour les solutions à la charge
Ce tutoriel vidéo vous indique comment souscrire au service « Charge My Car », via l’application Leasys. Suivez les étapes pour bénéficier de toutes ses fonctionnalités : identification des bornes de recharge publiques disponibles et compatibles avec votre voiture électrique ou hybride rechargeable, planification de votre trajet et paiement simplifié. Directement accessible depuis votre Smartphone ou sur l’écran de votre voiture, « Charge My Car » simplifie vos déplacements, partout en Europe.
Charging your electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle
Discover, through this video tutorial, how to identify the nearest charging station, the most economical or the fastest, thanks to the "Charge My Car" feature of the Leasys application, directly accessible from the screen of your car or your smartphone. Then start and stop charging your electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid at all the stations in the Leasys network, using your charging card or your smartphone.
Prepare your trip
Follow the instructions in this video tutorial to prepare a long journey in an electric or plug-in hybrid car with the "Charge my Car" service, available from the Leasys app. Access Europe's largest network of charging stations and determine the optimal route to facilitate even the longest journeys.